In the Name of Allâh, the Most
Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
1. 恐れ戦く日(最後の審判)
Al-Qâri'ah (the striking Hour i.e. the Day of Resurrection),
2. 恐れ戦く日とは何か。
What is the striking (Hour)?
3. 恐れ戦く日が,何であるかをあなたに理解させるものは何か。
And what will make you know what the striking (Hour) is?
4. (それは)人間が飛散する蛾のようになる日。
It is a Day whereon mankind will be like moths scattered about,
5. また山々が,梳かれた羊毛のようになる(日である)。
And the mountains will be like carded wool,
6. それで,かれの秤が(善行で)重い者は,
Then as for him whose balance (of good deeds) will be heavy,[]
7. 幸福で満ち足りて暮らすであろう。
He will live a pleasant life (in Paradise).
8. だが秤の軽い者は,
But as for him whose balance (of good deeds) will be light,
9. 奈落が,かれの里であろう。
He will have his home in Hawiyah (pit, i.e. Hell).
10. それが何であるかを,あなたに理解させるものは何か。
He will have his home in Hawiyah (pit, i.e. Hell).
11. (それは)焦熱(地獄)の火。
(It is) a hot blazing Fire!